Don’t rely on outdated marketing techniques to tell the world about your products and services. Get your message in front of the specific marketing segments you need to grow your business. The first step? Taking advantage of the many digital avenues available in today’s marketing landscape. You need to keep your business relevant by increasing your visibility, and PPC campaigns on your socials and Google can get you there.
Google is undeniably the most popular search engine. Skip the line and be the first search result with targeted AdWords campaigns.
Have a product or service you want the masses to see? Reach thousands of qualified leads with targeted social ads with our engaging and unique copy and creative.
With tools such as Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics, we can dial-in our campaigns to reach your warmest audience.
As our campaigns continue to run, we're constantly looking for ways to optimize your campaigns further, ensuring we convert at higher rates.
Ranking for organic keywords using search engine optimization can often take time and is more of a ‘grand scheme’ approach. If you have a decent investment, you may want to consider using PPC as your preferred marketing strategy to generate traffic to your website fast. Running PPC campaigns drives immediate results that pull in quality targeted traffic to your site that can increase revenue, sales, and leads. Contrary to SEO, PPC advertising isn’t dependent on Google algorithm changes, and it can put you at the top of search engine results instantly.
Display & Retargeting Advertising: Follow your best marketing segments with display ads that reach a targeted audience across various channels.
Pay Per Click (PPC) Management: We can help your business by building a customized PPC campaign, analyzing the resulting data, and tweaking the campaign for future success.
Product Listing Ads (PLA) Management: With our help, we can craft modern product listings that appear naturally when users search for products similar to yours.
Paid Search Marketing & Media Auditing: Don’t know where to start? Let the MK Group experts run a thorough analysis of your current efforts so you can build a road map for the future.
Great team! Easy to work and get along with, organized, responsive and talented and helped us with exactly what we needed! Their SEO and web services has tremendously helped our brand scale and grow in search rankings on Google!
George Simonyan - Orabliss CBD